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COVID-19 Re-Opening Protocol


COVID-19 Re-Opening Protocol for Leeds Family Eye Care

We are happy to announce that our office will resume routine eye care and optical services beginning Monday, May 4th!  We will be resuming normal office hours.  The doctors and staff want you to know that your safety is at the utmost importance. Therefore, we will be taking extra precautions to mitigate the risk of infection in our office for our patients and staff.  Please review the following questions and answers to help guide you in what to expect for the immediate future as you visit our office.  Thank you so much for your patience and support during this unique chapter in our lives!


Question: What type of exams will now be available?

Answer: We are now resuming routine eye exams for glasses and contacts, in addition to our continued exams for medical conditions or urgent eye emergencies.


Question: Will the sign-in process be different than I’m used to?

Answer:  Yes. In order to limit potential exposure to others, we ask your help with this new protocol:

  • When you arrive for your appointment, please remain in your car.
  • You can call us or text us from your cell phone to notify us that you have arrived.
  • We strongly recommend wearing a mask while in our office; if you do not have access to one, we can provide a disposable mask for you.
  • Only the patient (or guardian/parent/caregiver if required) will be allowed in the office for the appointment.
  • New patients, please print and bring your completed paperwork with you. Click here to access new patient paperwork.
  • As a screening measure, all patients/visitors to our office will be asked about symptoms associated with COVID-19, as well as have a temperature reading to verify absence of fever.
  • Once you are ready to come inside, a staff member will text/call you and open any office doors for you as you come in.


Question: What kind of safety measures will the staff take to keep me safe?

Answer:  Our doctors and staff will be following the CDC and State guidelines to minimize any spread of COVID-19.

  • All members of our staff will be screened upon arriving to work to ensure their ability to safely care for our patients.
  • You may see us wearing masks, gloves, and eye protection as warranted.
  • We will be rigorously cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces often during the day.
  • You are welcome to try on frames at our optical. Any handled frames will be kept separate and disinfected before being placed back on display.
  • Payment with credit card is preferred to avoid passing of germs on cash or checks.


We are looking forward to seeing all of you again soon!  Please continue to take care of yourself as we navigate this temporary “new normal”.